Globe, Ariz. — Linda Gross, a recently announced candidate for Arizona House Representative in Legislative District 8, will join forces with school staff, educators, parents, students, and education supporters along Highway 60, in front of Judy’s Cookhouse, on Wednesday afternoon at 4:45 to support the #RedForEd teacher walkout on Thursday, a statewide strike demanding increased pay for teachers and education support staff and a halt to tax cuts until education funding in Arizona reaches the national average.
“In Globe-Miami, like so many communities across the state, public education and teachers have been the foundation that we as a community have relied upon to educate all kids, not just selected demographics,” Gross says.
“The defunding of public education that has cut programs, left our schools in disrepair and put our teachers on par with fast food workers is destructive and demoralizing to our teachers, and our communities,” she adds. “Those involved in the #RedForEd movement are standing up for public education that will fuel our next generation, and the moment is now to support them.”
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