I want to share some highlights from our February meetings. Our staff was given direction to arrange a joint Council meeting with the Town of Miami. There are several common issues in our communities that we would benefit from by discussing jointly.
The Globe Police Department entered an IGA with Gila County to participate in the Gila County Drug, Gang, and Violent Crimes Task Force. Discussion was held on projects to be submitted for the Freeport-McMoRan Community Investment Grant. A power point presentation by Bruce Brinkley, from the Old Dominion Park, showed the many projects completed and future proposals for the park.
Marketing Task Force
The first Mayor’s Marketing Task Force meeting was held on Feb. 27. The purpose of this task force is to research our current marketing practices to determine if they are adequate or if we need to expand and be more aggressive as a city. The task force will then bring back a proposal to the city to be reviewed for this budget cycle. Members of the task force are Dawn Caldera, Rosalie Lamentola-Ayala, Kevin Long, Kim McSpadden, Eileen Townsend, Rebecca Williams, Doug Brannen, and James Menlove.
The City will be updating its current web page to make it more appealing and user friendly. We will also be establishing a city Facebook account for more transparency and communication to our citizens.
IDA presents Drug Free Community Support Programs
Sandy Palmer with the Industrial Development Authority set up a presentation on the Drug Free Community Support Programs that are available to our community. The presenter was Manuel Medina, PH.D, who explained the history and process. This was the first step to apply for a five-year grant that will focus on education and prevention of drug abuse for our youth. This grant will be a collaborative effort between the IDA, Copper Basin Coalition, Globe, Miami, the County, law enforcement, the schools, and Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center. With the funding and lead from the IDA and the entire community working together, we can make this happen to help educate and save our youth and rid the streets of the drug dealers who influence the lives of our youth.
GHS Student gets $1000 grant for local Library
The Globe Library was recently painted on the outside as a result of an award from the Governors Youth Commission. Kendra Martinez, a student at Globe High School, took on the initiative to apply for this grant and was awarded $1,000 for the purchase of paint and supplies. The City’s librarian, Adrea Ricke, organized a group of volunteers to do the painting over the weekend which was completed within a couple of hours.

These last couple of months, with the guidance of our City Manager, I was able to build a relationship within our region to be voted in as the new Vice Chairman of the Regional Board of the Central Arizona Government. I will serve in that capacity for the next year representing the rural cities in Gila and Pinal counties.
Code Enforcement results in clean ups
Our Code Enforcement Officer has been busy educating our citizens on cleanup of their properties, and as a result, a tremendous amount of cleanup has been completed in our city. Two major accomplishments are the cleanup of two burned structures that were an eyesore and a safety issue. The structures on Central Avenue and one behind AM-PM are now down. Cleanups like these just make our community safer and more attractive. The cleanup goes along with our marketing efforts to attract tourism. If we all take a little pride in how our community and how our own property looks, we can all contribute to the beautification of our city.

As a lifelong resident of the community, I have served with the City of Globe Fire Department for 30 years including 18years as the Fire Chief. After retiring in 2016 I ran for Mayor because I’m passionate about bringing people and organizations together to make good things happen in the community. It’s my privilege and honor to serve Globe in this new capacity.