(GLOBE, AZ)— At the regular Board of Supervisor’s meeting held today, Tuesday, March 19, 2013, County Manager Don McDaniel bid farewell to three departing Department Directors; Mr. Joe Heatherly who has been Finance Director for nearly three years and has accepted a position in the private sector in western Arizona, Ms. Berthan DeNero who is leaving the Human Resources after five and one half years to accept another position in neighboring Pinal County, and Mr. Darryl Griffin, IT Director for the past five and one half years who is going into private business. Mr. McDaniel stated, “Thankfully, all of these Departments have highly qualified, excellent staff that are capable and knowledgeable, so the day to day operations will continue to function effectively in each of these affected areas. I am confident that the staff will step up and carry these Departments forward during this time of change. We will be able to continue to operate in good order without missing a beat.”
These three Departments carry out essential functions for Gila County. Mr. McDaniel announced that Ms. Linda Eastlick has been named Human Resources Director, stating, “Linda has vast experience in HR, and has been a valuable member of the Management Team in her role as Elections Director.” With regard to the two vacancies created in Finance and IT, since both positions are also heavily involved in the daily operations of their Departments, McDaniel has contacted an agency that specializes in providing government entities with highly qualified interim staff to assist with the functions and operations of those two departments.
In addition, Malissa Buzan has been named as Director of the Community Services Division. “Malissa brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this position as well as a real passion for the clients that this Division serves,” stated Mr. McDaniel. “She was successful in the interview process, and was unanimously recommended by the Selection Committee.” Ms. Buzan has worked for the Community Services Department for 20 years, and has been ‘Acting Director’ for the past four months.
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