The CCYS Globe Miami Piranha Swim Team had an amazing 2017 swim season. We want to thank everyone who was involved in making it another successful year. It takes a team effort beyond the swimmers to make our program continue year after year. We give a big credit to Head Coach Noah Gardea, Assistant Coaches Ed Gardea and Jennifer Werrell.
Our children continued to develop and strengthen their swimming skills this summer. As a result, that prepared them for competing in meets and henceforth acquiring lifelong skills to be stronger swimmers. We thank all the parents, volunteers, lifeguards and the swimmers themselves for their dedication and support to the team. Also, thank you to the Town of Miami for having the pool available to our team members and to be so accommodating for our practices and competition meets. Without a local pool, there would not be a local swim team.
The Piranhas appreciate the maintenance and upkeep to have a community pool in our area. This year we hosted a fundraiser event and again we would like to show our appreciation and gratitude towards so many wonderful people who contributed to our program. Our lovely sponsors helped make our team continue to be an affordable sport for families in our community.
Thank You All!
We are proud of our team, our community and all the support that we have here in the Globe Miami area. Looking forward to the 2018 season and as always, the public is welcome to come and watch our meets and practices. Our swimmers work hard and they are quite impressive!
CCYS Globe Miami Piranha Swim Team

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