Members of the Globe City Council: Mayor Al Gameros, Vice Mayor Mike Stapleton, and councilmembers Freddy Rios, Mike Pastor, Jesse Leetham, Charlene Giles, and Fernando Shipley. All members were in attendance.
Arts Commission Update
Thea Wilshire, representing Globe’s new Arts Advisory Commission, presented an explanation of the Arts Advisory Commission’s purpose and aims.
Wilshire pointed out the value of public art. Every dollar invested in public art gives $92 of reinvestment in the community. Art has public value in place making, helping people feel good about where they live and having love for their community. Art also supports health, being linked to both physical and emotional health. It helps reduce suicide rates and helps elders age well. In schools, art helps foster creativity, supports academic achievement, and teaches kids to think out of the box. Public art is also a way to pass along culture and history.
Globe’s arts commission was established in 2019 and has been working to set its mission and vision. Its responsibilities are to serve the council in an advisory capacity, to help the council make wise decisions about public art. The commission will aim to increase public art and decide how to make the community art friendly. Wilshire pointed out that the Arts Advisory Commission focuses solely and very specifically on public art and city activities to support art. The commission plans to partner with other organizations that support art and artists in Globe.
The commission will mainly focus on how to fund public art in Globe. Funding will likely come from a diversified portfolio of sources. The commission seeks an annual line item in the city budget for art. Funding might also come from an assessment on new developments, which could be a small percentage based on the size of the project. These funds would usually go to fund art located at the project, or they could be added to the public art fund. This percentage would apply both to city projects and to developers who come into the community.
The commission will also recommend opportunities for the City to apply for grants. The commission would not be making the applications, only advising the City of the opportunities. Funds might also come from other sources, such as gifts, memorials, and bequests, as well as interest earned on an arts fund that would be built up through fundraisers.
The Arts Advisory Commission’s next steps will be to adopt policies and procedures. These will cover how they will determine the recipients of art projects, and how public art will be maintained or replaced if necessary. The commission is currently seeking public comment on these topics.
Second, the commission will start to implement with the next budget cycle. The commission would like to encourage public participation in decision making and in even the creation of the art. They want to support community involvement in the arts in Globe.
Third, the commission will encourage public arts by proposing an arts master plan. The city council would have to direct the commission to do that.
Fourth, the Arts Advisory Commission will start the process of creating public art in Globe. They’re currently considering the theme of “I [heart/art] Globe,” with stakeholder participation in 12 projects in 12 months.
Anyone who would like to be involved should contact Thea Wilshire.
“Art will bring life and color into what’s been a dark season.” Thea Wilshire, Globe Arts Advisory Commission
Project Proposals for 2021 CDBG Grants
The City Council discussed and received public input on five proposals for projects for an application under Arizona’s Community Development Block Grant program. The Council will make a final selection of one project at the next council meeting. For now, they accepted all five proposals, which means all five will be considered and prioritized at the next meeting, and then the #1 project will become the subject of the grant application. Only projects that were discussed at this session and forwarded for consideration can be considered at the next meeting.
Alan Urban of the Arizona Department of Housing joined the meeting via Zoom to give information and guidance on project selection. According to Urban, Globe can expect to receive about $177,237 in CDBG funds in financial year 2021. The amount varies widely from year to year. The entire amount has to be invested in a single project, and all the money has to be used.
A grant application project has to meet one of the three objectives: 1) benefits to low-income to moderate-income people, 2) alleviate slum and blight, or 3) address an immediate need such as a disaster or community health hazard.
Past grants have paid for street improvements, the purchase of a fire truck, and the elevator at the arts center.
The five proposals were as follows:
1 A new Type 3 fire truck that could be used for wild land fires as well as in the city. Proposed by Gary Robinson, Fire Chief.
2 Demolition/remediation of city buildings, including the library. Proposed by Chris Collopy, Human Resources Director.
3 Revitalization of the community center park and potentially other city parks. Proposed by John Angulo, Public Works Director.
4 Creating a victim advocacy/health coordinator position to relieve sworn officers and firemen from the burden of helping people with advocacy and mental health needs. Proposed by Dale Walters, Police Chief.
5 Street work on Fourth Street. Proposed by Jerry Barnes.
CDBG funding for these projects would have to be supplemented by other funding sources.
“Our community has the most number of parks per capita in Arizona.” Linda Oddonetto, Economic Development Director
Separately, Globe can also apply for state special projects funding, which can go up to $500,000. However, this funding is very competitive statewide, and the purposes to which it can be applied are very specific. State special projects are on next year’s budget cycle, so the City has some time to select a project and develop an application. The council tabled this subject and will discuss it at a later meeting.
Alan Urban noted that a grievance procedure is in place for CDBG funded projects. Anyone with a problem with a project can contact Alan Urban at (480) 474-9300, or Paul Jepson, Globe City Manager, at (928) 425-7146 ext. 212.
American Rescue Plan Act
Globe will be receiving money from this federal Covid-related act. The City expects to receive $1.75 million in two tranches, the first half coming within 60 days of the act’s passage and the second half 12 months from passage. The funds must be spent by December 2024 and they are mostly intended to reimburse the city for Covid costs. The funds can go to certain uses, including water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure, but can’t be spent on public pension funds and can’t be used for tax reductions. The funding is subject to reporting requirements, but the City has not yet been told what those requirements are.
Paul Jepson, City Manager, advised that the council wait to learn what the restrictions are and then decide how to use the funds.
Jepson pointed out that individuals can apply now for some benefits under the act, such as funding for venues and restaurants and bars.
Motions Approved
The Council approved a motion for supporters of the dog park to run a fundraiser involving dog portrait donations. Dog owners could purchase custom portraits of their pets to be painted by local artist Patty Sjolin, and a large portion of the proceeds would go to the dog park. The dog owners could then either take their portrait home, have it displayed at the dog park temporarily, or donate it to the park permanently.
The Council also approved a motion by Rachel Hansen, representing the Historic Preservation Advisory Commission, to explore a Broad Street Southern Gateway Project that would be located at the site of the teepee. The project would create a southern gateway to the Broad Street business district and an inviting tourist destination in itself. Hansen pointed out that people already come long distances to see the teepee and take photos there.
The Council also approved a motion by TallyHo Engineering to paint the building at 145 South Broad Street. It will be painted in black and white with historic colors.
New Business
In new business, the Council approved hiring a federal lobbyist, Nexus Consulting, to help with obtaining funding for certain projects. Jerry Barnes, Engineering Director, said a lot of the projects they’re looking at now involve federal dollars, such as FEMA remapping. Globe needs help in D.C. to get these projects moving, and only a lobbyist can obtain this funding. The contract amount is not to exceed $40,500.
The Council also approved writing a letter to the federal government in support of mining operations
in the Copper Corridor. The letter comes in response to the government placing a freeze on the expansion of Capstone. It also mentions support for Resolution.
The council heard a motion to write off $3,946.63 in uncollectible water bills. These bills apply to accounts that were closed out through June 30, 2020. There will be more next year because of Covid. The council forwarded this motion to the next meeting for a final reading and possible approval.
The council voted to ratify the submission of a grant application for a Governor’s Office of Highway Safety grant, proposed by Gary Robinson, Fire Chief. Chief Robinson said that recently, a ¾ ton truck was put in service for EMS operations. The grant application is for extrication equipment for the truck, including spreaders, hydraulic cutters, and a hydraulic ram. All of this equipment would be portable and battery operated. The grant application has already been submitted, and it required a resolution by the City Council in case the grant is awarded.
The council also voted to ratify the submission of an application for a Wildland Urban Interface Grant under the Assistance to Firefighters grant program. These grants are extremely competitive. If successful, the City would receive $430,000 in federal dollars and would match $21,000 from City funds.
Full minutes can be found by going to the City Hall website at and clicking on Agendas/Minutes in the bottom left-hand corner.
The Globe City Council meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall. The meetings are currently open to the public at 25% capacity. Members of the public are requested to wear a mask when entering and exiting the Council chambers. Seating is limited to allow for social distancing.
Members of the public can also participate in City of Globe public meetings by viewing the meeting live on YouTube. To view the Council meeting live stream, go to the City of Globe’s YouTube channel (search for City of Globe Arizona). Or click on the “Live Stream on YouTube” link at the top of
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