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The Heartbeat of Globe-Miami: A Tribute to KIKO AM/FM Radio 

By Paul Wolterbeek: Gila County Government

In December 2024, KIKO AM/FM Radio signed off for the last time, concluding an extraordinary chapter that began in 1958. Under the visionary leadership of Willard Shoecraft, KIKO grew from broadcasting in the Copper Hills Hotel lobby to a revered institution in GlobeMiami, Arizona

Welcome to another broadcast day of local programming on KIKO Radio. We are glad to have you along with us. And we hope you have a good enjoyable day,said broadcaster JB, echoing a familiar greeting that encapsulates the spirit of KIKO’s legacy

Shoecraft’s formula was more than radioit was a lifeline for the community, exemplified by

Morning “Open Line” callin show

“The Money Tree” contest

Daily “Trading Post” swap shop

Local requests and citizen help

General Manager Lucy Rodriguez and the devoted staff at KIKO, JB Barter, Willie Powers, Noreen Prater Valdez, Liz Mata and Paul Wolterbeek, Roland Foster upheld Shoecraft’s mission of integrity and community service, fostering partnerships with the Phoenix Suns, the Arizona Diamondbacks, and the Arizona Cardinals. KIKO’s broadcasts informed, entertained, and united GlobeMiami residents, promoting local businesses, schools, and events

As we bid farewell, KIKO thanks its loyal listeners and supporters. KIKO’s heartbeat will echo in the memories and hearts of GlobeMiami for years to come

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