Whitetail Fire
June 18, 2015
Incident Commander: Randy Hopkins, and Mario Dia, IC-Trainee
Contact: San Carlos Tribal Forest Resources Program, San Carlos, Arizona
Daily Phone Information (928)475-2326 ext 306, from 8:00 am. to 5:30 pm.
Start Date: June 16, 2015
Size: 600+ acres
Cause: Lightening caused.
Growth Potential: Fire activity is high in steep rocky terrain.
Percent Contained: 0%
Resources Assigned: Various Overhead and Geronimo Hot Shot Crew
Summary: Convective storms initiated lightning strikes that resulted in a wildfire in Hilltop Forest Management Unit of the San Carlos Apache reservation near Whitetail Spring. The Whitetail Fire was at 600 acres, yesterday, it is still growing. Northeast winds are still pushing the fire up and down steep terrain in all directions with spreads mostly to the east. Whitetail Fire is burning in grasslands in the midst of woodlands and east of the old 2005 “Bear Fire” and inside the 2009 Bear Canyon Fire.
As Resources are being considered and Fire Organization is analyzing the fire behavior and fire environment. Initial plans are transpiring. Geronimo Hot Shot crew are prepping road #1400 near Phillips Park on the north side of the fire. Be Cautious on near Junction RD1221 and RD1400, junction RD1400 and RD1500, and Junction RD1500 to RD1200, all roads encompassing the fire.
San Carlos Forest Resource Program and Bureau of Indian Affairs Fire managers are utilizing this opportunity for a naturally-caused ignition (lightning) to manage for long-term benefits to the landscape and ecosystems by reducing fuels that feed high severity crown fires, improving wildlife habitat, improving range conditions, recycling nutrients, improving watershed, forest health and landscape resilience.
Safety for fire fighters and the public is our number one priority. If the community members are planning to be in the Hilltop, northeast of Bear Canyon Mountain, and west of Red Box Well, please, be aware of traffic from Fire Engines and other Fire vehicles in the vicinity. Future road closures are being considered.
Air Quality maybe compromised by heavy smoke, during early morning or late evening inversions. This may cause problems for people who are ill, or have breathing problems.
Updates will continue to be posted/emailed and KYAY 91.1 will be announcing Fire Updates. Updates will be showing on SCATUI’s Channel 11. Face book and twitter account at “San Carlos Wildfires”.
Received from:
Victoria Wesley, Supervisory Forester
San Carlos Tribal Forest Resources Progra
P.O. Box 0
San Carlos, Arizona 85550
Original Post:
The Whitetail Fire is affecting our neighbors in San Carlos.
From InciWeb the Incident Information System
Incident Overview
The Whitetail Fire started on 6/16/2015 from lightening. The fire is burning in steep, rocky terrain in the Blue River drainage, north of the 1200 road and west of the 1500 road. The fuels are grass, shrubs, and juniper trees.
Basic Information
Current as of | 6/17/2015, 6:02:03 PM |
Incident Type | Wildfire |
PO Box 209
San Carlos , AZ 85550
Victoria Wesley

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