Hello Linda,
Thank you for speaking with me this morning.
On October 2nd 2016, Sisters – Janet, Jane and Connie were coming home from a weekend in New Mexico for a sister’s weekend with their sisters from Texas. Jane was driving, I, Janet, was the front seat passenger and Connie sat behind me.
We were on highway 60 About 18 miles outside of Globe when an oncoming vehicle hydroplaned head on into our vehicle. When my sister’s and I came to we had civilians near each of us who talked and comforted us until emergency personnel could reach us. At one point my cell phone started ringing, I recognized my fathers ring tone and the gentleman standing near me answered to let my father know that we were in an accident. And then our sister, Rosie, called and was also told about the accident, then other family started calling insisting that he let them talk to us. But this gentleman stayed firm and let them know we are fine and emergency vehicles were coming.
My sisters and I finally made it to the hospital in Globe. Due to family learning about the accident minutes after it happened and the time it took for them to get to us and return, Jane’s daughter and her boyfriend; Connie’s fiance and daughter; and my husband all showed up at the hospital. From there we were airlifted to Chandler Regional Hospital one at a time. Connie went first because she was in the worst condition, Jane next and I went last, our prognosis was not good.
When I reached Chandler Regional both my sisters were already in surgery and our family took over the ICU unit and the waiting room. It would be a week before I finally woke up and really started making sense of what had happened. Jane would wake up a couple of days later, but Connie was touch and go for a few more days and finally woke up in the last week of October. All our family came to be with us. Our two sisters and brother from Texas, our brother from Oregon and another brother from Iowa, all our children including Jane’s two oldest children who were both deployed overseas at the time, first, second and third cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, co-workers and church family all coming to visit us and pray for our healing.
Jane’s injuries were a broken left knee, broken left hand pinkie, a couple of broken ribs and sternum and internal injuries due to the seatbelt pushing all her organs up into her chest; Connie’s injuries were both ankles and five ribs broken and internal injuries due to seatbelt pushing her organs up into her chest and broken ribs. Due to infections, she was in ICU the longest. My injuries were two broken knees, broke right ankle, shattered left ankle and femur, broke right wrist and fractured right shoulder.
It’s coming on six months since the accident and my sisters and I would like to find the bystanders and first responders who came to our aid so that we can let them know that because of them we survived and would like to thank them personally.
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