STATEWIDE ISSUES regarding Private Prisons within the last 2 years
WISCONSIN May 2010 Is Wisconsin turning into a huge Prison
ARIZONA July 2010 Governor Jan Brewers ties to CCA (Corrections Corp of America) Burn like Neon
OKLAHOMA December 2009 Oklahoma gears up to fight the spread of Private Prisons in their State
GENERAL ISSUES regarding Private Prisons
What’s Costlier than a State Run Prison? A Private One.
Law OK’S Dangerous Criminals in Private Prisons KGUN9/Tucson
Not as cost effective as they say, Private prisons are on the defense. Arizona Daily Star Aug. 29th.
Private Prisons
Local Issues
Ted Lake reports for AZ Silverbelt Aug. 11 “Apparently the private prison north of Kingman is similiar to the new medium security prison being proposed in Globe which is being aggressively pushed by the local economic development corporation. The Arizona Silver Belt asked the Arizona Department Corrections if the new Globe prison would be also housing convicted murderers. We were told that would not be an unusual situation at all and it depends on how the prisoners were classified.” Read More
Communities which have Opposed Private Prisons in their Back Yards
Prescott Valley Prison all but Dead
Benson City Council says no. Wants Funding Assurance
Contact your City Councilperson
Letters can be addressed to each individual at City Hall 150 N Pine Street Globe, Az 85501
Fernando Shipley Mayor
Carmen Casillas District 5
Thea Wilshire District 2
Lerry Alderman District 6
Mary Ann Uhl District 3
Desi Baker DIstrict 4
Contact your County Supervisor
Letters may be addressed to each Supervisor at 1400 E Ash Street Globe Az 85501
Mike Pastor
Shirley Dawson

Guest Contributors include press releases, guest authors, and columnists who contribute less than 4 times a year.