The time has come for sweaters, heaters and pumpkin flavored everything. We prepare ourselves for our family festivities; whether that is good or bad, only time will tell. So, we hope for the best and dive head first into the waterfall we call the holiday season. Dare I even mention Christmas.
Judy’s Cookhouse
Whether you live in Globe, visit often or are just passing through, you can not go wrong with Judy’s Cookhouse. This location has housed a classic diner restaurant in the Globe-Miami area for over 30 years. Once called Hobo Joe’s, Judy’s is one of the only places to eat in town past 9pm. Although it is no longer a 24 hour diner you can still catch that late night caffeine buzz with some friends, at least until midnight.

U.S. Forrest Service
The U.S. Forrest service office is located at 7680 6 Shooter Canyon Rd in Globe, AZ. Open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm the office is equipped with maps of camping spots and hiking trails throughout our local area. The staff is friendly and most of them do not bite. There are so many outdoor recreation areas to visit in Globe that I highly recommend you visit this office for more information.

High School Football
The Miami High School Vandals have made the state playoffs. They play this Saturday at Ragus Stadium. Kickoff is at 6pm against Tonopah Valley. The Miami Vandals went 7-2 this year and beat their rival Globe Tigers. Under coach Brandon Powell they now hope to take State.

Dominion Cutting Company
Hair cutting and styling has taken a new turn for men. Maybe I should say and old turn as a lot of the styles are simply “come back” styles. The mustache and the beard have also made a comeback. Now that it is “no shave” November, there is no excuse for a man to not put his mane on display. Whether you are bearded, mustached, young or old there is one place in Globe that is just right for you; that is Dominion Cutting Company. Located just off Broad Street, JohnyD has done a great job at reviving the historic feel of downtown. While you are there, ask him about the upcoming beard competition before the light parade.

Live Music
Jammerz Bar– DJ Andy at 9pm on Friday, Novmeber 6th.
County Line at 7PM on Saturday the 7th in conjunction with the 14th Annual Independent Riders Toy Run
Two Lanes Saloon– Open Mic on Thursday, November 5th. Hosted by Sinthetic, starts at 8pm.
Farley’s Pub– Open Mic on Saturday, November 7th at 9pm until Midnight. Hosted by Stephen Palmer.

Stephen Palmer is an Arizona native, born and raised. With his ear to the ground and head in the clouds Stephen brings a passion to life that is as complex as it is full of joy. Reader beware the adventures of an untamed mind.