Did you all have a great time this last weekend celebrating life with live music? I know I did. This Friday, June 12th, we all have the opportunity to participate in a brand new thing, the revival of the Globe-Miami music scene. Humphrey’s Two Lanes Saloon, just off the Highway 60 in Globe, AZ, will be doing us the favor of hosting our new local darlings “Low Expectations.” If you have low expectations, you are never disappointed. The show starts at 9:30 and the party goes all night.
Welcome to the Globe Farmers Market’s 5th season. Prepare yourself with a recyclable bag and head down to the Farmers Market. Every Saturday from 8am-Noon from now until September. You can purchase some of the most delicious and fresh vegetables, fruits, flowers, canned jams or jellies, home-made bread and baked goods that money can buy. Not hungry? Visit the booth for all natural lotions and ointments. All of this bought at pennies for the dollar. Get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air with us at the City of Globe, downtown Train Park this Saturday, June 13th
I will take any chance I am given to be a proud American. This event may not fall under arts and entertainment but I felt it to be worthy of mention. Please come show your support this Saturday, June 13th, at the Pinal Mountain Elks Lodge for the Flag Raising Ceremony. The ceremony begins at 10am and should be all wrapped up by 2pm. Boy Scout Troop 101 of Globe-Miami will be assisting with the Flag Raising.
A new fad is sweeping the backyards of Globe-Miami. People are trading in the ol’ horse shoes for a bag full of corn. That’s right, I’m talking about cornhole. Cornhole, also known as tailgate, bean bag toss, or simply bags, is a lawn game in which players take turns throwing bags of corn at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. A bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. Play continues until a team or player reaches the score of 21. Register this Saturday from 10am until 11:45am at the Trinity Baptist Church, Hagen St. Globe, for the Fight Against Lupus Cornhole Tournament. Competition will begin at Noon.
Review Overview

Stephen Palmer is an Arizona native, born and raised. With his ear to the ground and head in the clouds Stephen brings a passion to life that is as complex as it is full of joy. Reader beware the adventures of an untamed mind.