La Santa Cruz de Globe-1880s
The Holy Cross of Globe-current
La Santa Cruz de Globe was built on a hill above Ruiz Canyon by Mexican families who moved to Globe in the late 1880s. The families moved to the area to mine copper and kept with them many of their traditions, foods, and ways of worship.
During the hard times of the Depression, the Hispanics turned to their Catholic faith and church for solace. In 1936, Rosalio Salas invited 11 of his friends to form the Los Doce Apostoles de la Cruz-the Twelve Apostles of the Cross. Led by these 12, the entire religious community built and erected a Holy Cross on the top of the hill in Ruiz Canyon.
During the blessing of the cross and of the local church, Holy Angels Church, an account states the sky was clear except for one small cloud hovering over the cross, and a few rain drops over those gathered there. The priest interpreted the raindrops as “blessings from Heaven.”
In the early 1940s, Los Doce Apostles de la Cruz lighted the night sky by illuminating the cross for patriotic and religious events, including World War II and Christmas. On September 11, 2001, the cross was lighted in memory of those who lost their lives in the attacks that day.
75 years since the cross was built, two sons of the Salas family are responsible for La Santa Cruz de la Globe to be recognized as a National Register of Historic Places. The cross continues to be a place for prayer, visitation, rest and remembrance. Whether visiting or looking to worship, the public is always welcome.
JUST WOULD LIKE TO ADD THAT THE “two sons of the Salas family are responsible for La Santa Cruz de la Globe to be recognized as a National Register of Historic Places.” ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES WHO HAD PLAYED A ROLL IN THIS. THERE ARE THE NAVARRO BOYS WHO ARE THE ONE’S WHO CARE FOR THE CROSS EVERY DAY OF EVERY YEAR. ALSO ALL THE FAMILY’S OF THE THE 11 FRIEDS OF Rosalio Salas.
Hi Dawn. THANKS for adding to our outline of La Santa Cruz de la Globe and including others who need to be recognized. It IS a testament to the many who came together to do this. Thanks again, L