Dear Editor:
Last Wednesday, May 1st, a police officer stopped in front of our home at 9:30am and put a violation notice on our truck windshield for parking “the wrong direction” on our street. We have parked this way for the past twelve years as have many who live in our neighborhood and we were not aware that this was a violation. Although we were informed that a notice had been put in the paper and on the radio, we never heard or read anything of the kind.
We have never had a ticket as we are people who follow the law. We don’t run red lights, speed through a school zone or fail to pull over for emergency vehicles. If we had known a practice that we had done for twelve years was illegal we would have complied and changed our parking habits.
As residents of Globe, we have always loved the small town friendliness of our large neighborhood and have tried to be good neighbors and citizens. We are not whining about a ticket. We are however, shocked, disappointed and angry over the way this issue has been handled.
We now understand there has been a law on the books for years about parking on the sidewalk, parking the wrong direction and blocking driveways. But for as many years as we have lived here, we’ve parked the ‘wrong direction’ as have some of our neighbors and no one, in all that time, ever came to the door and told us not to, or left a warning on the windshield, or posted a notice in the paper – until last week, when the officer handed us a ticket.
As law abiding citizens, my husband and I feel ambushed. I’m sure we are not alone in this.
The Globe PD should provide a reasonable warning period to it’s citizens when they are going to start enforcing an old law which has been ignored for so long. To do anything else – like issuing tickets as they did – is wrong.
Gary & Chiryl Cole

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