GLOBE, Ariz. — Jim Moss, Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate, has decided to terminate all campaign activities, effective immediately. For reasons both personal and practical, Moss is exiting the contest to replace Republican Sen. Jeff Flake in 2018.
“Of course, it is a difficult decision to close the door on our campaign this early in the process, but an objective assessment leads us to do so sooner rather than later,” Moss says. “We sincerely thank everyone who has encouraged and supported our campaign.”
“Two progressive, grassroots-funded candidates remain in this race – Deedra Abboud and Chris Russell,” he says. “It is my opinion that either of these Democratic candidates would serve Arizonans in the U.S. Senate admirably and with distinction.”
Although Moss is not seeking any other elected office now or in the future, he plans to transition his campaign website into a non-partisan platform focused on progressive, political activism within Arizona.
“In order to move our great state forward, we need a new Arizona legislature and governor that leads the nation by enacting common sense, progressive ideas,” he says. “The only way this can happen is for citizens to stand up and be counted.”

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