The City of Globe has been awarded a $45,000 grant from the Rural Community Assistance Corporation for economic development. This is a three-year grant that provides training in comprehensive community economic development, technical and financial resources and advocacy so rural communities can achieve their goals and visions. There are three phases to the project, Phase 1: Recharge our community economy, Phase 2: Start, grow, and revive local businesses, Phase 3: Sustain local businesses. Initial discussion was held at the December 19th meeting with a final vote on January 9th on how to move forward with this project. It is our goal to create a vibrant, healthy, and enduring city and community.
The Globe City Council will hold a retreat on January 18th at the Dream Manor lnn from 12:00 noon until 4:00 pm. The purpose of the retreat is to review the vision, goals, and accomplishments of this past year. It is an opportunity for council to change, discuss, or add goals for the upcoming year.
Discussions of options have continued to come up with a solution and sustainable funding to keep the local Safe House open. This home helps over one hundred woman who are victims of domestic violence. It would be a tremendous loss of service to our community if the house were to close. This will take a community wide effort and cooperation to make this happen between the Cities, County, and Reservation.
A presentation from the University of Arizona Water Research Center was presented to Council on December 5th. A letter of support was presented to the group for their application to the Bureau of Reclamation for funding for an assessment of our local water resources. This is a two-year study in the amount of 100K. The assessment will include the challenges in our community such as aging water distribution system repairs, storm water inflow into wastewater systems, cesspool systems in the Tri-City Sanitation District, and unsafe consumption of water from superficial aquifers.
It has been an ongoing complaint by many citizens of the noise made by the jake brakes of the trucks as they travel down the by-pass. After being brought to a city council meeting at call to the public, staff was directed to do research and report back to council. Input was received by law enforcement, mechanics, and local truck companies. It was determined that the jake brakes are an important safety feature of the trucks. The noise is enhanced by unmuffled trucks and excessive speed. In accordance with ARS 28-955, unmuffled exhaust systems are prohibited. The city has decided not to prohibit jake brakes, but to post signs at that reflect ARS 28-955 and enforce the noise laws and unmuffled exhaust systems. Speed enforcement will also be stepped up by the police department.
After a public meeting to listen to business owners input and discuss parking issues in downtown Globe, 15-minute parking signs have been installed at various locations in the downtown area. The signs were strategically placed to help alleviate the frustration of looking for a parking spot for only a short stop during business hours. These 15-minute parking spots are for times between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm – Monday through Friday
In early December, crews set up drilling and bailing operations at Well #3 in an attempt to clear blockage and go beyond 995 feet. There has been continued work done to clear debri and crews have pulled out two chunks of metal, sand, gravel, and chunks of bentonite. The last video was shot at 1001 feet. At this point, the city has decided to stop the process and move forward with a test pump to clear water and lift sand out of the bottom. An evaluation will be done after this is complete.
It has been one year already since taking office. It has been an educational and exciting year. There are so many projects and ideas that this council and staff are currently working on and we look forward to the new year to continue. We are continuously working hard at extraordinary customer service and making city government a friendlier environment. There are many citizens with new ideas and suggestions and we want to hear those and get more people involved. It will take all of us working together in our community to take us city to the next level. Thank you for your continued support to our council and staff as we move forward into 2018.

As a lifelong resident of the community, I have served with the City of Globe Fire Department for 30 years including 18years as the Fire Chief. After retiring in 2016 I ran for Mayor because I’m passionate about bringing people and organizations together to make good things happen in the community. It’s my privilege and honor to serve Globe in this new capacity.