Poets on the Rez is back, and this Friday will mark the first event of the year! An art and open mic night that includes music, painting and poetry, Poets on the Rez is held once a month at the community college in San Carlos. Poets on the Rez invites you to share your talent, or simply sit back and enjoy. The event will include a coffee bar/light refreshments. Note: This is a drug/alcohol free event for the community.
When: Friday, Feb. 13th from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Where: Gila Community College, San Carlos Campus at Tonto and Mesa Dr., AZ
Cost: Free
Find Poets on the Rez on Facebook by clicking here.

Jenn Walker began writing for Globe Miami Times in 2012 and has been a contributor ever since. Her work has also appeared in Submerge Magazine, Sacramento Press, Sacramento News & Review and California Health Report. She currently teaches Honors English at High Desert Middle School and mentors Globe School District’s robotics team.