Home » Government » Arizona begins installation of state’s first Safety Corridors

Arizona begins installation of state’s first Safety Corridors

PHOENIX – This week, Arizona motorists will see new signage designating segments of some state highways as Safety Corridors. By the end of December, motorists may also notice an increased law enforcement presence in these Safety Corridors.

Safety Corridors are highway segments that have more crashes, injuries and deaths than would ordinarily be expected. Over the next two months, the Arizona Department of Transportation, Arizona Department of Public Safety and Governor’s Office of Highway Safety will implement four Safety Corridors in Arizona, aiming to reduce crashes, severe injuries and traffic fatalities.

“These segments were selected because they have higher-than-average instances of speeding, aggressive driving, impaired driving and lack of seat belt use,” said Brent Cain, director of ADOT’s Transportation Systems Management and Operations Division. “Those are the leading factors in traffic deaths, and decreasing their occurrence makes the roads safer for everyone.”

Motorists will see new signs signaling they are entering and leaving a Safety Corridor, as well as signs that alert drivers that there will be zero tolerance for violations in a corridor.

“There will be strict enforcement of driving laws with zero tolerance for violations,” said DPS Lt. Col. Daniel Lugo. “If drivers obey the speed limit and other laws, there will be fewer crashes.”

The Safety Corridors will launch in two phases, with each including an urban and rural segment. Sign installation in the first phase begins today, Monday, Dec. 12, and will be completed by Dec. 20. Work on the second phase is scheduled to begin and be completed in January 2017.

  • Phase One
    • Interstate 10 (urban): Four-miles from the I-17 Stack to SR 51/Loop 202 Red Mountain Mini-Stack (mileposts 143-147)
    • Interstate 10 (rural): Twenty-three miles from Loop 202 Santan Freeway to State Route 187 (mileposts 162-185)
  • Phase Two
    • US 60 (urban): Thirteen miles from Loop 101 Price Freeway to Loop 202 (mileposts 177-190)
    • Interstate 40 (rural): Twenty-three miles from Kingman east to US 93 (mileposts 49-72)

 A grant from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety helped support establishing these Safety Corridors.

16-304 Infographic Safety Corridor

“The Safety Corridors will make traveling safer for everyone,” said Alberto Gutier, director of the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. “If you already obey driving laws, you have nothing to worry about and can enjoy safer travel. If you speed, drive aggressively or break other driving laws, you will face the consequences of zero tolerance enforcement.”

Safety Corridor segments were selected by reviewing historic crash data related to driver behavior and input from law enforcement. This is a pilot program that will remain in place for at least one to two years. After that, the partner agencies will review their effectiveness and consider whether to add Safety Corridors.


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