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February, 2022

  • 23 February

    Mysterious Lights in the Sky

    A couple of months ago, I got to see one of the Starlink satellite trains entering orbit. Starlink is Elon Musk’s system of satellites that are supposed to provide Internet access all over the world. SpaceX has been launching rockets full of satellites for the past three years. Each rocket …

January, 2022

  • 19 January

    Talking Politics

    Jan. 10 marked the beginning of Arizona’s 2022 Legislative session, which will be fraught with ultra-partisan politics in a state where many elected officials have bought into the fiction that Joe Biden is not the duly elected president of the United States. Under normal circumstances, the legislative process is an …

  • 11 January

    Potentially devastating school budget cuts

    *Reprinted with permission. By Former Superintendents, Jim Rice and John Pedicone  Many people may not be aware of an impending education funding crisis that threatens to cripple public schools across Arizona. There is a state process known as the aggregate spending limit, which is part of the state budget. The Arizona Constitution established the …

  • 11 January

    Could a spending limit created over 40 years ago force schools to close this Spring?

    Arizona’s schools may be forced to close as early as April 1 this spring.   Not because of COVID this time, but because of a perfect storm of problems with our state’s school funding system.  (Funding that by the way, despite recent increases, still ranks as the lowest in the nation).   The irony is that this spring, school districts are …

November, 2021

  • 17 November

    Dancing through the Chaos

    November is National Gratitude Month – which makes sense, given it’s Thanksgiving month.  Stretching out a focus on gratitude for the full month could only be a good thing.  November’s also Native American Heritage Month, Lung Cancer Awareness Month, and National Diabetes Month.  But there’s more – it’s also officially …

September, 2021

July, 2021

  • 4 July

    What to a woman is the 4th of July?

    The July 4th celebration began to commemorate the Declaration of Independence passed by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.  “When in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for People to dissolve the Political Bands …WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, …

June, 2021

  • 19 June

    To all Fathers who have Daughters:

    As your daughters honor you on Father’s Day, remember how much you care about them and fought or still fight to keep them safe. But have you asked why are they not safe?  Inequality makes them not safe.  One in four women and one in ten men experience sexual or physical violence …

May, 2021

  • 25 May

    Learning to walk

    Dear Graduate, The root meaning of the word graduation is to step forward. When you graduate, you’ve taken a step ahead, or up. It’s a big, meaningful step, and you’ve worked hard, so you rightfully celebrate and receive lots of congratulations, and hopefully take a vacation to recuperate. It’s funny …